To schedule interviews, please contact:
Dr. Zina Pierre at zpierre64@gmail.com

October 27, 2024 | Poll chaplains' national mission: To protect the 'sacred right' to vote
(USATODAY) — On Election Day 2024, the Rev. Dontá McGilvery plans to be outside an Arizona polling place, doing his damnedest to save American democracy from going to hell.
“The chaos is increasing the closer we get to election day,” he said. “We are called by God to do justice, and as clergy that means to put yourself in the midst of where the potential chaos is.” USA TODAY >>
July 17, 2024 | Voter protection training begins as clergy, secular groups look toward election
(RNS) — Faith leaders are making plans to provide a de-escalating presence at the polls months ahead of another deeply contested presidential election in an increasingly polarized country.
PRESS RELEASE: For Tuesday, July 16th, 2024
MEDIA ADVISORY: For Monday, Jan 15th, 2024
U.S. tensions are high. Chaplains at the polls tried to keep peace.
They were on hand to offer spiritual guidance, calm and bipartisan assistance at polling stations in 10 battleground states on Tuesday
Faith leaders to be stationed at polling sites across North Texas on Election Day
Fears of voter intimidation and violence have never surrounded an Election Day more than the one coming Tuesday – it's why faith...
Poll chaplains: 'Calming peacekeepers,' to help voters at Election Day sites
Poll chaplains plan to be at voting sites across the country, including North Carolina on Midterm Election Day.
Seeking to bring peace, ensure justice, clergy prepare to stand watch at the polls
Along with elections workers and poll watchers, Wisconsin voters may encounter faith leaders when they go to the polls...
Faith group deploys Election Day chaplains
Those participating are trained on how to de-escalate an argument and educate voters on voting laws in the state...
From Clergy to Veterans, Volunteers Rally To Fight Voter Intimidation
On Friday, federal authorities issued an internal bulletin that warned of the potential for violence from domestic extremists...
This Phoenix pastor wants more clergy to help ensure peaceful elections in Arizona
A group called Faiths United to Save Democracy is looking to recruit 2,000 clergy members in a handful of states, including Arizona, to "promote peaceful and safe elections for all voters."
Waller Leading by Example
Organized under the brands of 2020 Turnout Sunday and Lawyers & Collars Campaign, the effort has recruited “poll chaplains” ...
Lawyers and Collars team up on Election Day in Charlotte
On Election Day 2020, a group called Lawyers and Collars sent ministers to polls in Mecklenburg County ....
Poll chaplains to stand watch across the state on Election Day
It’s a divide motivating hundreds of faith-based leaders to bring calm to polling locations across the state.
Poll watchers in Alabama report massive turnout, long waits and machine shortages
One observer spoke to multiple people in long lines who vowed that they are ready to wait all night if they have to.
Faith leaders play election peacemakers, at polls and beyond
Webster, an organizer with the progressive group Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, is part of a broader network of faith leaders...
Meet the "poll chaplains" hoping to keep the peace at the polls on Nov. 3
Hale and hundreds of other members of the clergy have been trained as part of a nonpartisan initiative called Lawyers and Collars..
Acting on faith to protect voters and the vote
Church groups prepare to ward off suppression at the ballot box, and to resist attempts to overthrow the election
Polling places prepare as ban on open carry on Election Day brings mixed reactions
Polling places prepare as ban on open carry on Election Day brings mixed reactions
Clergy, lawyers to team up as poll watchdogs on Election Day
Attorneys and clergy in Arizona are teaming up to keep voter suppression in check.